Too downtrodden to blog. I need to write this to inspire myself, and perhaps inspire you. Here’s sharing some grace notes from one of my favorite “feel good” books, Living Beautifully Together by Alexandra Stoddard.
– Go on a morning meditation walk alone for a week and see if it can become a daily habit.
– Begin a ‘Dream” file. Clip articles about exotic places, restaurants, beauty tips and fashion and decorating ideas.
– Write a list of what’s right and wrong in your life; This is a great way to sort out your feelings.
– When you feel blue, sit down at your desk and write yourself a love letter.
– Go back to your hometown, the school you attended, it will bring back your childhood.
– Polish all your shoes and put in scented shoe trees.
– On a star-filled evening, go to an observatory.
– Buy a telescope. Contemplate the great unknown.
– Buy a book and get lost in a new topic.
– No time to read all those books on the bestseller list? Listen to a book on a headset on your way to work.
– Take a weekend trip by yourself. Do exactly what you want to do for two days. This will be a time of discovery and renewal.
– Get up early one day a week and treat yourself to a great breakfast out.
– Before going to sleep at night, pray for ten people you love.
– Count your blessings and don’t stop until you have reached one hundred.
– On days you know will be tough, wear your favorite outfit; you’ll feel extra confident
– It’s helpful to keep a special prayer in your wallet or framed on your desk. We all need a spiritual lift every now and then.
– Structure silent time into your daily routine, it will give you additional energy.
– Arrive early for your appointments. It gives you a chance to compose yourself.
– Stand up straight.
– Laugh out loud.
– Eat a meal in front of the mirror – alone – and carry on an interesting conversation with yourself.
– Walk a different way to the station, or drive a different road; make even the most routine things different.
– Rummage through your attic and treasure chests, or your old yearbooks – get lost in the memories.
– Sign up for a yoga class.
– Sing in the shower.
– Examine and refurbish your luggage. It follows you around wherever you go.
– Go to a palm reader or have your tea leaves read.
– Take a course at a botanical garden, an art appreciation course at a museum, or a cooking course.
– Try that recipe you clipped and still haven’t made, and invite friends to sample your creation.
– Sing along with your favorite singer. This is how Barbra Streisand learned to sing as a little girl.
– Before going to sleep, lie in bed and pick out one thing that you did well that day and congratulate yourself. You can build on that tomorrow.
– Savor some personal accomplishment; go out to dinner with a friend and celebrate.
– Call an old friend with whom you’ve lost touch. Follow through with a note card.
– Do solo sports: swim laps, do aerobics to music, run, ride your bicycle; now is the time to really think.
– Take aptitude tests and help define your natural abilities. You may be surprised at your hidden talents.
– Revive an old plant Give it a new pot and trim off the dead leaves. You will feel like a miracle worker.
– Volunteer at a hospital. Giving a little bit of yourself is a remedy that even medicine can’t top.
– Stop procrastinating.
– When a friend or relative wears a flattering dress or suit, give a compliment.
– Each day make a list of things to do; you’ll feel in control.
– Plan a family reunion.
– Share a fantasy or fear. You may find you’re not alone.
– Plant some potted herbs and watch them grow.
– Rub Tiger Balm on your lower back when you feel a bit tired; it gives you an instant lift.
– Guard your private time as your most treasured asset.
– Take a walk in the woods with a field guide; learn to identify different trees, animals, birds.
– Buy a small notebook. Glue on a pretty painting cut out from a magazine and begin your own quotation book. When you think of positive inspirational thoughts, write them down.
– Read some vintage magazines found in the flea market. What was news back then; who was President? What did the ads show? What were people wearing? What were the popular sayings?
-Clean out your clothes closet; get the satisfaction that comes from organization. Rearrange everything artistically so your eye is pleased.
– Get up early one day a week and treat yourself to a great breakfast out.
– Try getting up extra early and take a walk around the block; there are surprises in your neighborhood.
– When you travel alone, bring some of your mate’s cologne with you to scent your pillow. It will make you close in spirit.
– Start a collection. It can be anything that strikes your fancy.
– Remember people’s names.
– Learn several new words each week and use them in your verbal and written expressions.
– Give yourself ten extra minutes to do something when you’re under pressure; take your time and you will accomplish more.
– Don’t forget to pamper yourself – go to a spa for the weekend. Can’t afford it? Take a bubble bath, give yourself a facial, or go out and treat yourself to a manicure and a pedicure.
– Challenge yourself to do the things you’ve always dreamed about, like trekking in Nepal.
– Keep names of people you love who are having a tough time on the mirror of the dressing table to remind you of them – thoughts lead to action.
– It’s helpful to keep a special prayer in your wallet or framed on your desk. We all need a spiritual lift every now and then.
– Exercise and take two to three inches off your stomach and thighs. This does wonders for your self confidence, and will give you energy and make you more outgoing.
– Have weigh-ins to shed unneccesary pounds. Keep a chart of your losses (or gains!)
– Try not to raise your voice, even in the worst of fights
– When a friend or relative wears a flattering dress or suit, give a compliment
– Share a fantasy or fear. You may find you’re not alone.
– Help a friend paint her apartment or pack and move.
– Brush up on an artist, an author, a poet or a gardener. Share your subject with a friend gracefully.
– Jot down on a piece of paper the names of your family members so you’ll know you’re not alone.
– Be generous of spirit. Life on earth is transitory. It is better to live rich and die poor than the other way around. Being generous focuses on your self-worth, not your net worth.
– When you see a small item that you think suits a friend, buy it and send it.
– Make a surprise phone call to a cousin and spend five minutes catching up.
– Be flexible when unexpected events occur. You can be helpful and it will make you feel good.
– Have a sense of humor.
– Invite your mate on your next business trip.
– Go clothes-shopping with your mate. Someone who really loves you will help you select the most flattering styles.
– Put potpourri in a small antique box and keep the lid open.
– Offer your love a cup of tea for two at an unexpected time.
– Surprise your partner and pick him up from work or meet him at the train station.
– On Valentine’s Day, send him flowers. Buy him red-and-white striped pajamas.
– Plan your weekend “escape at home” today
– Pick a sanctuary in your home. Choose your favorite chair and re-cover it and keep your favorite books close by. This is your spot to come to and relax all by yourself.
– Install a small music system in your kitchen so you can enjoy beautiful music while cooking and eating.
– Never worry what other people think because it doesn’t matter. What they think will change and what you think will change. That’s life. Be yourself.

Re: – Go on a morning meditation walk alone for a week and see if it can become a daily habit.
Do this for a month and it will.
I must put my own 101 goals down.
hey ajay!happy 2007!thanks for sharing this list, im printing this out and i’ll stick on my headboard as a reminder of things to do this year!i surely need this list!
i hope you’re feeling better!
Thanks for dropping by Jun. 101 goals seems hard to put down in writing, but if we can count blessings up to 100, why not?
Am glad the list inspired you Jaja, as it will (prolly) inspire me. Good day!:)
I have print this out and put in front of my desk 😉
sooo nice! and most of them are doable. and for some, it’s just a matter of taking some time out. o c’mon, stop a while, take time to smell the flowers, do the nice things in life. we all deserve them.
Thanks Mira:)
Thanks for sharing your thoughts and dropping by, Sexy Mom 😛
what a read to resume on my bloghopping. thanks for sharing these tips ajay. just did 3 of them.
This is lovely!!! Post the continuation na!!!
ako din naghihintay ng continuation.hehe.thanks for sharing po!i hope you feel better na!
reading a good book is one thing I’ve never done in a long while
even if my name says I read a lot 🙂
…why is it there’s always a continuation!? I love you post…looking forward to reading the next lines…
Thanks for this. Some days I’m too blah myself. It takes 3 weeks to make or break a habit–so doing anything positive (like a walk, meditating) 3 weeks straight will become a habit, and hopefully reduce the blahs! Thanks for sharing.
I have added some to-do’s in the list, people. Hope this will inspire all of us 😉