Last Saturday, our blogger band attended a gathering of the AirBit Club, an organization promoting and using Bitcoin, considered the most popular cryptocurrency in the world.
It was a big event because it was the annual seminar and meeting of the club. Venue was the Grand Ballroom of Shangril-La Hotel in Bonifacio Global City. The assembly was attended by the active members of the club as well as interested individuals who are curious about bitcoin and aim to be club members in the future.
Airbit Club was established way back in 2016 with the objective of enlighteing the general public on the origins of Bitcoin, its advantages and how to use it.
The guest speaker during the forum was no less than the club Master in the Philippines, Dr. Tom Academia, Jr. who’s an award-winning athlete during his prime in the UAAP. He oriented everyone present about how Bitcoin works in the market. In the Philippines alone, there are already more than 40,000 members and counting. Globally, the club has an estimated 4.1 million members.
To be a bonafide member of the Airbit Club, one must buy any of the three membership packages available. Any amount that they will put in the club will be converted to Bitcoin. It will be disbursed among the members while half of the total Bitcoins will be directly used in trading as well as to strengthen the relationships of various institutions which are supporting in the development of the virtual currencies.
Mr. Academia said the club was founded to educate people about Bitcoin, its benefits and other information on how to use it as well as providing opportunity to share in the commissions through references.
Academia said the club mission is to increase Bitcoin use as well as to maximize the volume of transactions among the club members. In so doing, the club ensures that the commercial potential of bitcoins are maximized and the distribution of the cryptocurrency among the members is facilitated. The vision is to bring the use of digital currency to all the people worldwide through seminars, education and training. Academia added that today , about 1% of the world population use cryptocurrencies and the club’s ultimate goal is to increase the volume of users in the years to come.
During an open forum, Ms. Emily Academia, an AirBit Club affiliate, answered queries from the members and the audience regarding bitcoin and how it will work. She out that there are many advantages and benefits of membership, while the risk is minimal, as proven from the club’s experience and track record.
The training and seminar lasted until late afternoon, with satisfied attendees looking forward to make profits with Bitcoin which is continuously growing in the market.
Thank you for the invitation Airbit Club 🙂

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