Holy schmoly, it’s my first time to cover a festival in the history of this blog. This is the Aliwan Fiesta Grand Parade which was held today (April 25) at the CCP Complex grounds and then culminating at the Quirino Grandstand.
The erratic weather threatened to dampen the festivities, as it was raining in Manila for the past few days. So my mantra was to shoot while the sun was out and then leave early, before it became cloudy or dark.
If you’re a tourist or even a Manila resident, you’d surely have fun watching a sampling of Philippine festivals. Aliwan is not to miss because almost all regions of the Philippines’ 7107 islands are represented. The costumes and floats are colorful and elaborate. You’d also have an idea of the religious and folkloric undertones behind the festival. Most of all, you’d feel alive because of the beat of the drums, the chanting and the dancing. Enjoy these first batch of pictures. Photos may not be reprinted without permission from annalyn.net
This maiden in white represents the wetlands of Candaba, Pampanga. The swamp of Candaba is known all over as a refuge of more than 80 species of migratory birds, some of whom are considered rare.
More people-watching:
The event program said the Grand Parade would start at 3 p.m. but it was past four in the afternoon already and the march hasn’t started. So I don’t know if the following pics have something to do with it, LOL. Kid shown in photo below is frowning, while the other contingent is sleeping!
Viva Aliwan Fiesta!

Great set of photos. The woman in the first picture is beautiful!
dear annalyn
congratulations on your superb photos! may we ask a very big favor? our staff photographer was rushed to the hospital after hurting himself on some nails during the dismantling at quirino. mbc urgently needs to send out a congratulatory print ad to some newspapers, for which space was prepaid. could you possibly email us some photos taken of the winning dance contingents in action?
highly appreciate whatever help you can give
thank you very much
susan arcega
pr and publicity consultant
manila broadcasting company