Saturdays give me a special bonding time with my family, and when there’s a moment to spare, I also like to spend it learning new things, going for some precious ‘me’ time and catching up with friends.
So this is what happened one Saturday when I went to the Physiogel Beauty Experts Circle event at the Holiday Inn & Suites in Makati. Over tea, coffee and pastries, we got to know about how to take care of our skin – to my mind, our body’s most precious resource. Take it for granted and for sure, you will regret it coz nobody wants to look 10, 20 years older than their age 🙂
The highlight of our afternoon tea was a make-up demonstration by RB Chanco, sought-after make-up artist to the stars like Kris Aquino & Bianca Gonzalez.She taught us about how to transform yourself with proper make-up application. It’s a tedious process but worth it!
Though I really don’t like going to social events these days, I appreciate going because I get to chat and laugh with people I rarely see, like good friends Earl Bracamonte and publicist Angie Limbaco, who invited me in the first place, hahaha. Tourist tip: the rooftop Oz Bar in Holiday Inn, with a view of the swimming pool, is worth checking out!
The afternoon enlightened me on the fact that we shouldn’t ever, ever scrimp on our skin care. Physiogel is a tad more expensive than the ordinary cleanser or lotion we find in the grocery shelves, but it is also the No. 1 prescribed by dermatologists, according to the Philippine Medical Data Index 2012.Just look for these labels enclosed in all their products: hypoallergenic, non-comedogenic and fragrance-free.
Anyway, a lot of my fellow mommies are already familiar with this brand since we use it for ourselves and for our babies. I’ve used Physiogel Cream and Physiogel Lotion on my toddler Lucia to protect her from diaper rashes and also to moisturize her skin because of the heat and humidity in this tropical country.
The benefit of Physiogel Cleanser as a make-up remover was something I’ve discovered only recently, since I’ve used other labels. It’s formulated for dry, sensitive skin with gentleness that is next to water, with one of the least irritation potentials. Before retiring at night, I just apply it on the face and wipe off with tissue. The best thing: you can use it even without water, for those days when you’re feeling tired, lazy and can’t get up from the bed 🙂
From the official literature:
“Physiogel has the revolutionary Derma Membrane Structure (DMS) Technology, which resembles the natural building blocks of the skin to effectively help repair the skin barrier and prevent moisture loss.
Conventional moisturizers may only mask skin dryness to give skin transitory moisture; moisture that can be washed off by rinsing or washing. Physiogel, however, moisturizes by mimicking the natural lipid composition of the skin and keeps it hydrated for up to three days, even with washing or bathing.”
Physiogel is a product of Stiefel, a GSK company. For more information, visit or

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