I don’t think it’s a very long absence but the inevitable thing has happened to me the past week: experiencing a bad case of “blogger’s block.” Akin to mental block and our very own writer’s block, blogger’s block is my inability to write anything of value. Despite the fact that I’ve got a lot of “pending stories” and so many thoughts are running in my head, I’m at a total loss for words (well, except for this one.)
I guess this happens many times once in a blogger’s life. My only consolation is that you can never call yourself a full-fledged blogging bug unless you experience this. To borrow that much-abused term, we’re only human, aren’t we?
The condition I am sure is temporary. After all, people can go on hiatus for many reasons. Blogging can’t be our life, there are many other components of our life and there are certain circumstances in our life which can intervene with the time we spend on the computer. We cannot share everything in this seemingly tiny yet limitless space because truth to tell, there are some things we’d rather keep to ourselves. We can’t be eloquent all the time and frankly, we’d rather lie on the beach watch a movie go biking skinny-dipping throw the garbage … blah blah blah. Yet I know that I can never say goodbye to blogging despite the fact that the whole updating thing can be really unnerving. Hope to back in the loop in the coming days .

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