Happy Valentine’s Day to all. There couldn’t be a more relevant time to receive this email than today, of all days! I have to admit this surprised me but life certainly gives us what we deserve. Here goes:
Someone forwarded me this link and article almost a year ago. You see, I happen to be the ‘Betsy’ in the article.
I have been happily married since this happened, I have not seen ‘Ron’ for a very long time. I am not writing to correct anything nor air my side but I just want to know how are you related to ‘Ron’ since you mentioned you know him. Maybe I met you before, who knows. Like what I said, I am happily married and I do not want to dig up the past. I am more thankful that God did not let that wedding to happen. It would have been a big mistake and I would have been miserable. God has other plans and I am a living testimony of that. He has given me the best husband instead.
My reply:
Dear ‘Betsy:’
Thanks for writing. Ron is an acquaintance; we happen to have a common friend. I am happy that things have turned out all well with you, in God’s own time. Maybe Ron did you a big favor because otherwise he might have been the wrong guy? Frankly, I don’t know where he is now, or where he is. Thanks and God bless.
Hi Annalyn,
Yes, he was the wrong guy for me. I consider it the greatest miracle of my life. I would not have met my husband now if Ron did not run away, so thank God for miracles.
Ron will be Ron no matter what. I wish him the best wherever he is.
Love lesson for dummies:
Let go of brokenheartedness, despondency, and fear. When someone is not for you, the someone will not be for you no matter what you do. Sometimes it’s hard to believe that something better is waiting for you when you’ve just gotten out of a relationship hell but you just gotta believe, such as in this case.
*end of story*

A Very Happy Valentines Day To You, Too :).
If one is broken-hearted, let go of the fear, despondency and move on to do loving things for yourself. Happy Love Day, Ajay . May love rule your family always,
Thanks Mandy.
Thanks Noemi:)