Thanks to a sender from the Philippine Business for Social Progress for believing that this blog can help spread the word about their noteworthy project called Exchange Arena. In this endeavor, the country’s top companies are invited to invest 1% of their annual employee time for nation-building.
The idea is to form an army of employee volunteers to work for some development projects in progress. Attention HR managers: this could be a noble alternative to the out-of-town excursions, basketball tournaments, bowling tourneys and badminton sessions you always cook up huh. For all of us: time to set our sights outside our sphere of influence and make a difference. After all, we can’t always complain and complain about the state of affairs in the country without doing anything about it. And I agree with the observation that volunteerism in the Philippines truly s-u-c-k-s. What we have is a country obsessed with the Big Brother, Philippine Idol and run-of-the-mill kimchinovelas. No one truly cares for the plight of our neighbor Juan de la Cruz even if his ignorance, poverty & pathetic state stares at us in the face.
Exchange Arena’s Jenny Lyn Hernandez says: ” We will try to match the skills and interests of these employee volunteers with the demands of various non-profit organizations who join the project. There will be a “meet and match” event on December 1 (venue still being finalized) for the two groups. We’re hoping to generate more interest on corporate volunteering in the Philippines because of the work-life imbalance that Filipinos have. Plus, we believe that if more Filipinos will contribute their time and talent in an organized, focused and efficient manner, we will be able to build the momentum, reach the critical mass, and make the positive difference that will improve the lives of others. We want a better Philippine society! ”
Companies with the mostest may go forth now and sign up here.
Ang-ang says
I really want a date right now! i feel really sorry im so busy
Jen says
Oh, thank you thank you! Mabuhay ka! =)
Jerry says
Thanks for the blog entry, it was a lot of help to the cause!