Everyone should know by now am a Flickr loyalist, unless somebody tells me there’s a better photo software around. I was absolutely thrilled when I discovered I could make a magazine cover out of it, as well as photo mosaics and frames. Watch out for the applications in my blog soon. If you know of any other Flickr apps, buzz me and let’s exchange tips.
Other things that made me smile this week:
– seeing that the pair of shoes I’d been eyeing for weeks was at 50% off and of course I had to buy it on the spot!
– seeing the iPod nano in the flesh which was akin to ogling at a full-breasted woman with a small waist. How was that possible Steve?
– hearing from old friends, and not just forwarded emails ( I have like 1,500 unopened ones in my inbox)
– thinking about Tokyo far away; thinking about Mr. Yakiniku adoring me, close to home
Things that made me frown:
– being torn between the iPod Mini (which I still have to pay in full) and the iPod nano
– Withdrawing a big sum of money from the ATM with the amount debited but no money comes out from the cash dispenser. (The moolah would be reverted from my account four days later but what a hassle. ATM users, be warned. Technology sucks sometimes)

Ipod Nano’s cute but I hope it doesn’t hang like the other Ipods do. 🙁
Nice photo cover. 😉
Mine hasn’t hanged so far Tin..maybe because it’s under-used? hehe
Thanks, am having fun with Flickr:)
Hei Ju,
I tried to publish my photos to my blog using flickr. If it was not for your suggestion, I wouldn’t have discovered that there is an html code for all the photos I publish at flickr. (Although it doesn’t matter if anyone could copy my photos — they are not exactly award winning. hehe.) Copy and Pasting — makes posting easier.
Take care… more later
I’d like to invite you to our online community called Ang Bagong Pinoy.
Ang Bagong Pinoy is an online community of Filipinos all over the world seeking to build a better Philippines by starting with themselves, one Filipino at a time. It aims to recover, nurture and advance the Filipino identity, promote good citizenship, and inspire in the Filipino the love, pride, and appreciation of his Filipino identity. Ang Bagong Pinoy will dedicate the Filipino identity for the spiritual, cultural, social, and economic advancement of the Filipino nation.
If you’re a Filipino or of Filipino descent and wants to contribute to the realization of the objectives of this group, we invite you to be a member and maybe we could get some discussion rolling and stir some interest for future members. Let’s build an online, harmonious, worldwide Filipino community. Please visit our website at http://www.angbagongpinoy.org to learn more.
If we all come together, we could definitely help each other.. See you online!!!
Have fun with Flickr, Anna Lyn..
Thanks for the invite Boogie and I’ll check your site soon. More power to Ang Bagong Pinoy:)
there should be a sub organization here in Davao..many people who loves our country would really care to join.. count me in! when would that be? i watched straight talk kanina and it caught my attentiom..more power to ang bagong pinoy!