The internet is a wonderful thing, but most of the time, people can get lost in all the drivel. For example, I get guilty sometimes of spending too much time on Facebook snooping on other people’s lives when I should be learning new skills or absorbing other forms of knowledge.
This is why I appreciate websites like which gives out valuable tips on how to handle your cash and educates consumers on the wide array of financial products available in the market.Browsing through this site, I got a lot of info on how to travel for cheap, how to shop for the best economical car, how to get out of debt, how to apply for various loans and many more. primarily exists as a comparison site for those looking to avail of housing loans, personal loans, broadband service, credit cards and car insurance. The idea is to not only to save the consumer money but also time in looking around for the best deals.It wouldn’t really be wise to be browsing the bank’s individual websites or calling customer service when Moneymax can present it all to you in a single page, complete with interest rates and monthly fees. It is truly handy and useful, if we may say so.
Car insurance is another matter since you can buy your insurance right on you need to do is fill in details of your car (year bought, make & model) and you will get a free, no-obligation quote.
“Buying one’s car insurance online is not yet commonly practiced in the Philippines but we hope to change this perspective in the coming years. It’s as safe and effective as getting the insurance from an agent, and you will get discounts too,” Moneymax founder Jorrit Koop said during a recent luncheon with the media. He added that the website also has a dedicated email and customer hotline that’s available from 9am to midnight, Monday to Friday, to attend to concerns and inquiries.
As part of its commitment to support financial literacy in the Philippines, sponsored the recent “The Family FQ Workshop by the Faustos” which was held last May 9 at the SM Aura SMX Convention Center. Rose was a former banker who resigned from her job to take care of her three sons while raising them to be financially-savvy.She is married to Marvin Fausto who is the founding president of the Fund Managers Association of the Philippines.
In the seminar, we learned from the Faustos the simple ABC of building wealth:
A for adapting a system of saving
B for bringing the money to the bank…and
C for creating a passive income.Invest, invest and invest!
Koop noted: “We are honoured to partner with Rose Fausto and her family, who are great role models for financial preparedness. Being part of the Family FQ Workshop is just the start of the initiatives Moneymax has in the pipeline for 2015.”
He added that growing financial literacy among the population is of paramount importance in the Philippines where the average savings rate is at a measly 6% and only 1 out of 4 households have savings.

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