Sigh! This is gonna be a long weekend, if you count the national holiday tomorrow and my medical check-up on Tuesday. It means a record-breaking four days of not going to the office. I couldn’t say am bored. In fact, we had a nice time malling in Robinson’s Galleria yesterday, going to the market this morning and cooking pansit for lunch. But I couldn’t resist not logging on the Net for a day to check my email and my blog.
I am answering these posts from my Friendster Bulletin Board for you guys to know me better (thanks Abby). Come to think of it, it’s always nice to recall the past and train one’s sights to the future:
Ten years ago, I…
1. was doing my croupier’s job in Europe
2. was becoming bored & thinking of settling again in the Philippines
3. was engaged to somebody who I would dump before our wedding (how cruel of me, I know)
Five years ago, I
1. was carrying the twins in my womb
2. was the other half of somebody I don’t think about now
3. was juggling two or three jobs at the same time
Two years ago, I
1. got ‘unmarried’ and became a single mom
2. started going out with somebody I don’t think about now
3. had my first brand new car
One year ago, I…
1. met Mr. Big
2. thought I was invincible for battling a big problem
3. was on a dating mode
So far this year, I…
1. have been nursing symptoms of what appears to be my mid-life crisis
2. want to move to a new place, a new job, even a new country
3. have made some tough, sometimes impulsive, decisions
Yesterday, I
1. went to the bank
2. shopped and windowshopped
3. ate the following: Jollibee crispy chicken strips, rice, adobo & Beard Papa cream puff
Today, I…
1. chaperoned my son to the video arcade
2. shopped again
3. bought food and decorating magazines
Tomorrow, I will…
1. shop for Christmas presents again and again
2. bake muffins
3. read Chapter 16 of “The Wild Swans” (God, when will i finish that book?)
In one year, I will (hopefully)…
1. have a stable, better-paying job (yes, nothing’s enough for me)
2. fall (oof!) in love
3. get back into shape, bloody shape
In five years, I will (hopefully)…
1. have my own house
2. publish a book
3. settle down

I like the format of this post! I think I will do something similar…you are a blogging visionary 😉