There is no shortage of inspirational material on the internet, in books, and in videos. It can be difficult to navigate all of the advice and mantras that are supposed to help you get what you want in life. Sometimes, we are left feeling worse than we did before we started researching about how to achieve our goals, make the money we want to make, and live our lives to the fullest. Sometimes, it is better to cut the fat from our journeys and focus on the what we really want. But how do you do that? If you are tired of the same old, same old, and are wanting more from your life but you just don’t know how to get started, keep reading my friend.
When it comes to living our best lives possible, we have to be able to look beyond the day-to-day of our existence. We need something to strive for, something to wish for, something to work for. We need dreams. Dreams aren’t just magical things that we hope will come to fruition someday, they are capable of making us feel motivated, fulfilled and worthy of living this life of ours. But, your dreams have to be bigger than you. They can’t be limited only to what you think you can accomplish: dream bigger.
In photo: me on a boat on a trip to the Maldives. Exactly a year ago today, I left the corporate world in pursuit of a dream to have more time for myself and my family.
First, make a list of all the things you want out of your life. All of it. Be specific. Write down what your dream car is – mine is the Ferrari 250 GTO – it’s way out of my price range, but I love it just the same. I want enough money in my bank account that I can book a vacation on a whim. There are people that do that, you know. It’s not just made up hocus pocus for the few people who “make it in life.” Every day people can do that too. I want to run a successful business. What is it that you dream of? What do you find yourself wishing for when times get hard? More money? Probably. But how much more money? Be specific.
Now, one of the easiest ways to get from humdrum to living the dream is to take stock in what you already have and can do. If I want enough money in my bank account to travel the world,
I need to see what I have already done to start checking those places off my to do list. If you want to see all of Europe and have already been to Paris and Rome, that’s two check marks for your to-do list. Don’t think you need to start fresh just because you said it out loud. Start where you are and account for what you already have.
Make a plan for how you are going to start checking off the boxes on your to-do list. Maybe you need to get a second job, or maybe you need to ask for a raise? Whatever it is you need to do, don’t let that stop you from achieving your big dreams. It’s just math: getting from point A to point B just means you have to complete a series of steps to get you where you want to go. If you don’t freak out about having to save $100,000 to travel the world, and instead focus on the first $5000, you can see the light at the end of the tunnel sooner, and the motivation to hit that smaller goal will keep you going.
Dreaming big doesn’t mean you have to live a life of want forever. You can achieve smaller dreams that add up to big dreams. If you aren’t running the successful business you always imagined, but you are running a business, that’s a start.

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