Hexcuse me, this is a rather narcissistic post and I hate talking about myself. But for a lack of an appropriate blog topic and the fact that nobody seems to have noticed (heheh), allow me to embark on a supercalifragilistic post on why I decided to cut my hair short one day and out of the blue.
Needless to say, this decision has liberated me. I figured that most women I know grew their hair long to please their partners or attract the opposite sex. Some friends I know would never – for the life of ’em – chop their mane without consulting The Husband or Boyfriend or Parent. Since time immemorial, long hair has stood for the difference in the sexual hierarchy; it has always been viewed as a symbol of femininity and beauty. We never see short hair waving in a shampoo commercial, do we?
The challenge is: how does a woman stay sexy even after having hair that closely approximates Sinead O’Connor or Demi Moore in G.I. Jane?
In my case, I decided to cut my hair because I was bored (uhmm, heartbroken more like it :P). I also found this nice stylist at David’s Salon who I trusted and trimmed my hair past my shoulders a month before. A month later, I go back to Elvie and ask her to cut my hair even shorter so I wouldn’t have to tie it or clip it, as required by my company for women employees with long hair.
Frankly, I don’t know when I’ll grow my hair long again. Here a few benefits of short hair I can think of:
1. Short hair is “get up and go.”
2. You spend less on shampoos, conditioners and other beauty styling products.
3. You spend less time drying and blow-drying your hair.
4. You spend less on clips, ribbons and other kikay tools.
5. Short hair makes you look younger and smarter.
6. Staying gorgeous after cutting your hair to manly length is the true barometer of beauty.

finally! you just had a major decision done and the cutting of hair is a symbolic gesture..goodbye old me,here i come the new Ajay!
it looks good on you,makes you look younger and seductive ever!
Thanks Sachi…from one hot momma to another, hehe 😛
Hmmm, interesting comments as usual. It’s normal here (UK) to see women with short hair and indeed on my travels to Asia I have seen a number of women with short hair, although it would seem that long hair is still more the norm for Asian women. It is really quite a mistake and narrow minded to judge a woman’s beauty & femininity merely by the length of her hair; as their is much more to it than that. And of course it almost goes without saying that you still look gorgeous now your hair is shorter 🙂
Amen to that Lawrence and thanks for the compliment;)
am excused kasi i haven’t bloghopped for so long and haven’t seen you for a far longer time 😀
well, you’re sexy regardless of hair length sis… do know that (nope, that’s not my cue for you to be a good friend and tell me naman na am still sexy din despite the fats and cellulite, ahehe, but it would be welcome… nyahaha)
i actually like long hair on women… provided they know how to take care of their hair… long, straight hair… long, curly hair… i don’t care… just so long as it’s healthy and smells nice and behaves 🙂
but you did point out really practical facts about short hair… i miss having a shorter main too, kaso my face is too round na now for it 😀
it looks nice Ajay
I agree that short hair makes you look younger. I also don’t grow my hair that long because it takes longer to dry too. You’re pretty anyway, whether with long or short hair. 🙂
Yeah, that was my problem Mec..my long hair wasn’t really behaving. I had natural curls and would spend time blow drying it for ages. On the other hand, I’ve always wondered how straight long black hair comes naturally to some women. But I guess some of us are just born with it, like our sexiness, hehe..regards
Thanks Lagalag. You really still have to introduce yourself:)
Thanks Irene. It’s a joke among women that the older you get, the shorter your hair becomes, haha
Lovely! It suits you! 🙂 You look younger too. 😉
Hi Tones. Thanks. Idol ko kasi ang short hair mo, teehee:)
you definitely look younger… what did your babies say? hehe..
Thanks Dessa. No comment from my babies. I guess any which way is okay with them:)
Hi Ajay,
I just linked to you from Cathy Chronicles. Check it out — under Blogs I Like To Visit 🙂 Happy Halloween!