I don’t know what some people have against today’s young children wanting to become movie stars. Not everyone succeeds anyway. I think it takes hard work, talent and discipline to make it in an industry where fan preferences change by the minute. Some celebrities, in fact, have done a good job of making wise business investments and switching careers (e.g. becoming producers or directors).It is only when they run for public office that movie stars lose it altogether. Governance, after all, requires a degree of competence far greater than memorizing lines or waving to fans in the stadium platform.
On this train of thought, you can just imagine my amusement when my seven year-old son jolted me from a recent stupor with the following lines:
Him: Mom, when I grow up, I want to work in the movies. Easy job!
Me: Are you sure?
Him: Yes. I think it’s not too hard standing behind the counter and giving people their popcorn.
Me: Oh!! you mean….that?

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