Undergoing colon hydrotherapy was one epic detoxifying experience I underwent last September. I was surprised that a lot of my close friends want to undergo this treatment upon hearing that I did it. My verdict: do it if you want to change your life and wash away those guilty feelings of excessively indulging on food in the past 😀
Believe me when I say that I honestly felt better after my colonic session. I felt that the bloat in my tummy reduced substantially and some friends even commented that I looked slimmer. Too bad I didn’t weigh myself before and after the treatment because the clinic did not require it. I should do so next time.
There are a few clinics which offer colon hydrotherapy or colonics in Metro Manila, it’s just a matter of asking and researching. I had my cleansing at the Zen Institute in Quezon City.
A colonic is not cheap so one would be well-advised to wait for a special deal to be offered in a site like Deal Grocer which has an existing tie-up with Zen Institute.
But first, what is colon hydrotherapy?
Some of you may ask what is colon hydrotherapy, also known as colonics, colon cleansing or colonic irrigation? It is a relatively painless procedure where a tube is gently inserted into the rectum to let water in and and flush out fecal plaque and toxins that have accumulated in the intestinal tract.
It’s similar to an enema except that the patient is seated in a more comfortable position. Zen Institute calls colon hydrotherapy the “safest and cheapest method of detoxification, using only water and the force of gravity” to cleanse the body.
What happens during a colonic session?
First, one is presented with a chart to check one’s medical history and then have a one-on-one talk with an attending physician about any issues one may have. Having diabetes, hypertension, cancer or other existing severe condition may preclude one from undergoing the session.
Afterwards, one is led to the treatment room. There was a nurse on duty who gave me an herbal drink and told me to relax.
The bed where one rests is also tilted so that the “patient” is in a seating position, which is believed to lessen the discomfort. And above you, there is placed a mirror where one can see the excretory process taking place down under.
Water level is set at 25 liters and the session is finished when you’ve used up all the water to “detoxify” you. The whole process takes about 30-45 minutes.
The colonics procedure is described in this poster I saw in Zen Institute: (sorry I could not video myself)
As soon as the water starts running, “you may feel some warmth, with the water entering into, and circulating inside the colonic portion of your abdomen.
As soon as the pressure builds up inside your colon, you may feel the urge to defecate. You can release all contents filling your rectum. Just like letting go when you move your bowel normally.
The procedure can feel awkward at first maybe because the nurse was beside me during the first few minutes and gave my tummy a light massage. She eventually left the room and told me to press the buzzer beside the bed if I needed anything. This was when I felt more relaxed. It also helped that am not a stranger to this because I had an enema prior to giving birth to my first-born, and had a colonoscopy as part of my annual checkup. Health matters when confronted are never pleasant.
Benefits of colon hydrotherapy
The late Princess Diana was a big fan of colonics so do supermodels like Gisele Bundchen and celebrities like Janet Jackson, Usher, Jennifer Aniston, to name just a few.
Doing colon hydrotherapy certainly feels like having liposuction without the stitches but here are just some of the tremendous benefits one can get from a colonic:
✔ Improved bowel movement. If you are suffering from constipation or Irritable Bowel Syndrome, this is the way to go
✔ no hemorrhoids
✔ cancer prevention or lowering cancer risk, especially with bowel or colon cancer
✔ weight loss, less bloating in the stomach
✔ improved skin condition as a result of removing toxins from the body
Would I do a colonic again?
The answer is YES! Am a great believer in natural, alternative therapies so am quite glad I underwent the procedure. I really like the feeling of “lightness” after. Our body is just like a machine after all, we need to cleanse, “tune up and change oil” after some time.
So now am waiting for another Colon Hydrotherapy deal to be offered in Deal Grocer because you can really save a lot here (it was priced at P3,345 per session from the usual P10,000). Aside from offering the best discounts, I love that DG offers are well-curated to reflect only the most prestigious, reputable merchants in town. This is especially true in case of hydrotherapy where the center has to be manned by professionals and equipment has to be safe, hygienic and of international standard.
Deal Grocer has other categories like top-rated hotels, restaurants and getaways. I found the colonic promo in the DG Beauty & Fitness section and I really hope it’s offered again soon! (wink!)

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