Saw this first in Dr. Em’s blog and this was how I discovered the group writing project on positive thinking by Kirsten Harrell over at Ipopin. First and foremost, I do believe that what the world needs not is not so much love (we have too many babies :D) but a healthy dose of positivity. Here’s my contribution on how to imbibe positivity into one’s life:
1. Free thyself from fear. It is staggering how positivity can be defeated by all sorts of fears, most of which are the imagined kind. If you want to do something, why not try it first before even thinking you might not have the energy or resources to take a chance at it? If you think you have slighted somebody and you think he/she will never forgive you, you never know until you try. Even of that person doesn’t, at least you have taken a huge burden off your shoulders.
Do not distress yourself with dark imaginings,
many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness – “Desiderata”
2. See the best in people, give them a chance. No matter how we complain, there is something good in every person. It’s just a matter of discovering their soft side. Some of the negativity is triggered by glitches in human relations. If we can get even the meanest people to act nicely, then this world will be a positively nicer place.
3. Stay away from negative people, when necessary. Because sometimes, we can’t afford to, they simply drain us of our wits and energy. Some people stay the way they are for some reason, complaining and criticizing about every person and circumstance in their lives. In such a case, withdrawing from them is the best recourse.
4. Set the mood for positivity in your life. Make time to spring clean because chaos sometimes causes grumpiness. Post positive affirmations on your office desk, wall or your PC screensaver. Play music that calms the nerves and soothes the spirit. Surround yourself with dainty, beautiful things that remind you of the positive points in your life — family pictures, travel souvenirs, love letters and the like.
5. Take time to smell the breeze and smell the flowers. A sumptuous serving of positivity can be had just by communing with nature. I realize sometimes that living in the city where I hardly see gardens and trees can out so much stress in me. Driving out of town or even visiting the city parks can be a great stress-reliever. Surrounding oneself with nature and all of God’s creatures reminds me that there’s one positive, divinely provident thing to live for. We all exist in this planet for a reason.
6. Drive away worry,be content with what you have. Keeping up with the Joneses will get us nowhere. Always there will be a neighbor who will be more successful, drive the better car and have the bigger house. Comparing ourselves with others is one big positivity dampener.
On the other hand, there’s Jackie Kennedy who once said: “ I always push unpleasant things out of my head on the theory that if you don’t think about them, they won’t happen.”
Tagging the cool mamas over at Pinoymomsnetwork for this one. Do share your great positivity secrets. 😛

‘Remember, no one can make you feel inferior without your consent’ – Eleanor Roosevelt
i will soon write an entry on this. I am reading the book “The Secret” so maybe I will share something along the lines on positive thinking
Thank you for sharing this, Annalyn. We sure do need positive thoughts to help us go through life with our priorities in sight and values intact.
u made my day 🙂
Hi Ajay. Just got the chance to read your contribution to the group writing project. So true. Let’s be positivity works-in-progress.