Melbourne is a city of many secrets and treasures. Hidden laneway bars, nameless busy cafes, suburban forest-like parks and more restaurants than you can shake a stick at are just a few of the fantastic finds you have to look forward to. The only real way to explore all of these hidden wonders is to either know your way around the city from living in it, or to find a guide that can explore these places for you, and lead you to the best of the best.
This is one such guide. In these points, you will find tidbits of information to whet your appetite for more of the secrets Melbourne has to offer. So, get ready to make many, many weekends worth of plans in this sprawling city.
The bars in Melbourne are varied; regularly shifting and changing as the ownerships of the newest, hottest venues change hands and the inevitable rise of the even newer, even hotter bars take shape. Long-standing examples of clear winners are hard to come by, but secret bars tend to last a lot longer on the popularity scale. Often, this is simply due to how hard some of them are to find.
Take Loch and Key, for instance; a cocktail bar hidden behind a bookshelf in another bar, Captain Melville. This inception-esque creation boasts some fantastic cocktails, which will leave you wanting close accommodation to stagger home to, filled to the brim with cheer and great whiskey. Luckily, there are a variety of rentable two-bedroom apartments in Melbourne for just this purpose, meaning that you can fully appreciate the gifts that this city has to offer.
There are plenty of restaurants to go to in Melbourne, to the point where you can basically close your eyes on any given street corner, and no matter which direction you’re looking when you open them, you’ll be looking directly at a restaurant. One of the more subtle, and adventurous, restaurants is called Mjølner.
Its claim to fame is a viking theme that is to die for. Mead shots from glass horns to begin your meal, bone marrow luges for your whiskey. A comprehensive cocktail menu, as close to a solid kilogram of meat as you can get in Melbourne, and a bona-fide cattle horn to drink your beer from make this place the ideal eating experience for the viking in you.
Things that many people take for granted in a city like Melbourne, such as the Melbourne City Bicycles that you can rent in the CBD, or the horse drawn carriages that you can take a ride in, are all over the place. The city is, by far, the best place to spend a day busy. The National Gallery of Victoria has an enormous collection of stunning artworks, many of which are free to view, and the Australian Center for the Moving Image is always playing interesting movies and hosting interesting exhibits, such as the recent Aardman Exhibit.
Melbourne has more parks than anyone would reasonably know what to do with, and in some suburbs the view from atop a hill would make you think you were in a forest with some houses rather than a suburb with some parks. Every suburb has an absolute minimum of three parks, and some have as many as seven. This means you have a wide range of choices when it comes to where you’ll spend a morning with your significant other and/or children. These parks are almost always child-friendly as well, with the exception being dog parks, which have stranger’s dogs in them.
These are just some of the best parts of Melbourne, and that’s without even mentioning the cafes and coffee that Melbourne is world-renowned for. So get out into the city and explore these locations, and discover for yourself the many wonders of Melbourne.

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