I know, i know, this is almost like a Friendster survey. But I hate writing about boring, depressing topics so I answered this to amuse myself. It’s actually a take-off from one local celebrity’s blog:
Four names you go by:
1. Anna
2. AJ (circa 90’s)
3. Juju (circa 80’s)
4. Nallen (as my mom/sis would call me)
Four things you like about yourself:
1. My honesty
2. My sense of humor
3. My passion for life and living
4. Being Superwoman!
Four things that annoy you:
1. Men behaving badly
2. The Philippine Catholic Church and their grossly outdated ideas/meddling in politics
3. The government’s population policy
4. Politicians who brazenly display their stolen wealth
* There are other things which annoy me, of course
Four things that scare you:
1. Earthquakes
2. Violence of any kind
3. Heights/Flying
4. Untoward incidents involving my kids
Four things you need everyday:
1. Hugs and kisses from my angels
2. A good meal
3. Internet
4. Coffee
Four people you spend the most time with:
1. My angels
2. My officemates
3. My best friend, Cecile
4. …and a vacancy for one
Four of your favorite hobbies:
1. Write…write
2. Read…read
3. Cook
4. And now, bowling
Four things you can’t do:
1. Skydive
3. Eat animal entrails….ewwwwe!
4. Take illegal drugs
Four things you badly want right now:
1. Buy a digicam
2. Travel
3. Take a break,
4. Take a break!
Four places you would want to spend your vacation at:
1. Boracay (soon!)
2. El Nido, Palawan
3. Carnival Cruises (with Clarisse)

nordette – nordette
You will be a winner today. Pick a fight with a four-year-old.
There is a great discovery still to be made in Literature: that of
paying literary men by the quantity they do NOT write.