My life has not taken on a normal course since I started this blog a few days ago. Suddenly, I am obsessed with knowing so much about the blogosphere in so little time. I am learning but I can only take so much of wysiwg, site feeds, atom, RSS, hyperlinks and all that stuff. There’s a big technorati community out there adept in uttering a new generation of blogspeak which can be Greek to some of us raised in the tradition of Hemingway and Mrs. Dalloway.
When I successfully uploaded my design for this blog, I thought blogger was a no-brainer. But then, I spent a whole morning figuring out how to load my pic into my blogger profile and it was kinda frustrating. The Picasa on my PC experienced a network problem and so I had to try Flickr which I found easier because it had very convenient buttons to choose from. A little more tinkering and I was also able to install Haloscan and Site Meter. I know there still are more downloads to do but am taking it one day at a time. If I suddenly get impatient, then I’ll probably have to hire a professional web designer..ha!ha!
Though I still have a long way to go, it has been personally rewarding. After all, learning how to blog was one of my 2004 New Year’s resolutions. I surf some more and I find it funny that this field is dominated by 14 year-old’s and eighteeners and I ask myself: where have I been to all this time?
I have been in mainstream writing, mostly. Churning out all the corporate stuff day after day and writing the occasional newspaper stories in between. After 15 years of doing this, I can say I am sick of writing but blogging seems an entirely new world to me. It is an ongoing revolution/evolution and I would like to be a part of it.
Knowing from personal experience that people don’t always tell the truth in their blogs, I have imposed limits on what I should write here. My readers and personal friends should not expect to see every single lurid detail of my love life, even if it’s worth the price of a movie contract (grin). Am also not fond of expressing my views on politics and government, I leave that to high-flying columnists. But I will write about things close to my heart – places, personal discoveries,food, culture, books, and as an exception, monumental events in history. The barometer in all these is that it the blog should not cost me my job (but rather should gain for me a book deal (bigger grin). It should also be something my son Paolo should be proud to read when he stumbles upon this yearrrrs from now.

extremely well-written. 🙂 just saying. i especially love that part about how your son would be proud to read it when he grows up.