Recent events happening in the world are truly depressing. Violent occurrences not just in the Philippines but London, Paris, and other places make us think if this earth we’re living in is doomed to extinction. How come man prefers war to peace..why is it so when it is easier to live in harmony with everyone?
It is about time we are enlightened by the tenets of Buddhism. I like this religion because it teaches its followers the principles of mindful living. Do good and your life will bear good fruit. Reap what you sow.
This video shows how Buddhists make the sacrifice of climbing Mt. Wutai in China to attain enlightenment. Wutai is one of the four sacred Buddhist mountains in China ruled by the bodhisattva Manjushri or WenShu.
Attaining Mindfulness doesn’t really require of us to convert to Buddhism. It is just a matter of realizing everything while we are living here on Earth is transitory. Beauty will fade, wealth and accomplishments shall pass. In the end, it all boils down to how we related to our fellowmen and how we made our lives more meaningful.
Towards this end, the call of the monk in the video to observe World Wisdom Day is indeed relevant. We need just one day to band together for the common good. One day to silence the guns, not say a bad word or nurture a bad thought.

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