I bought The Notebook paperback five years ago but only got to read it over the weekend in preparation for watching the movie of the eponymous title. After doing both, I am of the opinion that both works are not as outstanding as my favorite “Message in a Bottle.” But “The Notebook” is still worth reading/watching if only for the realization that true love is not a rare commodity but is still possible, in this day and age.
When we are young and healthy,we take love for granted and segregate it behind our careers and other carefree concerns.
We never put value on love even when it is the one constant in our life long after the laughter of our friends and the joy of our fleeting affairs have died down.
We can never complain of not getting enough love when we have ignored it just because we were waiting for the right time or for a better love to come along….
After seeing Noah and Allie’s love story unfold, this is what I think today:
I pray that God will not deny me the gift of once again experiencing love in its pure sense when it comes a-knocking;
I would like to die surrounded by my loving family;
I would simply like to grow old with the one I love.

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