There’s a big bloggers’ event happening on Saturday. Most likely, I will be there. It goes with the job, it goes with the territory. But you know why am not too excited about these things? Here’s why…
1. I believe I’ve attended far too many EBs, meet-ups, and blogcons and it’s the same boring banana for this ADD-induced blogger. Unless of course they introduce a banana stripper soon.
2. I feel soo ooold mingling with these bloggers whose median age is 22 to 25. Which means they were just born when I was ooold enough to dance to The Gogo’s and Bananarama (ok, there’s the banana word again)
3. The event sounds a tad too commercial for its own good. Imagine being forced to mention 26 donors and sponsors!! With the exception of Elianto, which is not a sponsor (see my previous post), I have failed miserably (which explains why up to this time I haven’t received my e-vite yet).
4. Most of my blog friends and some of the bloggers I read regularly are not attending (okay, as a punishment, you will all remain a mystery for now)
5. I dread carbo-loading on donuts (because there’s a donut sponsor in the blog parteeh.)
6. I dread being in a room-full (err, swimming pool-full) of geeks. All they talk about are… I don’t know what they’re talking about most of the time. Two years of not browsing up on Codex and I consider myself a blog nut.
7. Judging from past EBents, my gay friend Candida said there were hardly any cute guys in our range of vision. I told you they were geeks remember?
8. Being compelled to do any one of these things: smile at the camera, strike an empty conversation, ask intelligible questions, munch on a lettuce and do the compulsory tagging, link-lovin’ and blog reporting afterwards.
9. I have too many corporate giveaways to last me a lifetime (but a free WP design will do. I heard I won it last time but I went out early)
10. Spelling party as “parteeh”… is much the same as putting h in Jun (Jhun) or Baby (Bhaby or Babeeh). Pfft.
Hope they will still let me in after writing this. 😛 If I’ve known you through Blog-O-Rama or virtually, introducing yourself would be very much appreciated. See you at the (ehrrmmm) Parteeh!
Technorati tag: blogparteeh07

hi annalyn!
first of all, this entry made me lol. hahaha. and this entry of yours made me think: are we of the same age/generation? (go-gos and bananarama?)
will wait for your blow by blow of the party ahem, parteeh! malamang hilarious!
have fun! try.
Think you should go to Kota Kinabalu again instead…
Hi Jove. You hit the nail on the head. See my Friendster profile for more (age) details, hehe 😛
Budget trip overload.I’d rather save my $$$$ for now, Pascal.;)
I really want to attend but I have tons of things to do!
hello. saw your interview with sasha. great job. maybe you can interview me next. im not famous or anything. but im interesting tho. 🙂
I think many bloggers (like me) will relate with bananarama. I’ll be arriving late by 5:17pm, maybe we can reserve a corner for the 80s guys and gals =) I wouldn’t like my name to be spelled jhun either, but i think the reason it was spelled that way was a SEO thing.
An idea: Bo Sanchez will be there.. Maybe you can corner him for an interview…
See you there!
not being in the same age range as the other participants doesn’t make you old, just the wiser one. hehe 🙂
too bad I won’t be attending, if won’t have to post #7..hehe..just kidding
a free WP design? wow! I want that one! 😀
Btw, I just tagged you! Hehe 😀
i can relate to bananarama even if i look like a teenager
I also don’t want to go there even if i was invited by a co-blogger for him to meet me
i’d rather we go to a place and shoot–photobloggers that we are– to really enjoy each other’s company.
lastly, having said too much, nahihiya ako
I’m not going. Take pix for Blogkadahan! 🙂
I feel the same being in a roomful of young bloggers but I just like to help…to return back what I have learned from other bloggers. But it was good you were there since I had someone to talk to. hehe.
hi there ms ajay! nice meeting you at the party!
Nice meeting you guys at the Parteehh. Don’t believe everything I said here (at least I don’t) 😛 i enjoyed it every step of the way