Hawaiian is hands-down one of the most popular pizza flavors in the Philippines. The idea of putting pineapple on pizza or even combining it with cheese and ham looks strange at first but it’s something that people have grown to love all these years. And…as a form of trivia…did you know a Canadian invented the Hawaiian flavor in pizza? We didn’t know that for sure!
Pineapple in pizza is just in line with the growing trend for everything healthy. The good news is that the Philippines’ leading homegrown pizza brand Greenwich has just made things better with their homegrown Hawaiian Overload Pizza…
It’s our good ol’ Hawaiian favorite but made more scrumptious with two kinds of ham, smoky bacon and loads of mozzarella cheese. Add cheddar to the freshly-baked crust and you’ve got Hawaiian overload you can’t resist.
Here are some photos as Greenwich launched this week the Hawaiian Overload Pizza at their branch in BGC Stopover. Hawaiian Overload will also be on spotlight as Pizza Party Day is held on May 19 with an array of exciting activities.
Am also running a giveaway on my Instagram (@annalynblogs) where we will be giving away boxes of pizza to lucky peeps who regard or repost our Greenwich photo. Good luck everyone!

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