It had to take Karen to wake me up from my stupor… time for the monthly IMBB! I had planned to join the event but I must have mixed up the dates, I thought it was on the 27th yet. Luckily I had already brought the ingredient for the main theme which was… beans. From scouring my stock of food books and magazines, I noticed that most Filipino recipes calling for the use of beans have a strong Spanish influence. There’s the pochero, pata con setas and the calandracas. But in the Philippines itself, we have lots of bean varieties used differently in the regions. Iloilo cooking, for example is famous for the use of kadios while a more universal one would be munggo (mung beans) guisado.
For this IMBB edition, I decided to do a recipe from one of my favorite cookbooks aptly called Filipino Cuisine. I liked this dish because of its combination of Filipino and Continental influence… making a burger (which is so American) out of local ingredients like onion, carrots, celery and of course the white kidney beans. The original recipe called for shrimps but since I was cramming, I opened a big can of tuna and the results did not change a bit. The beanie burger is a low-calorie alternative which should be on the must-munch list of vegetarians. And my twins, who were not on a diet, loved every bite of it.
1 1/2 cups white kidney beans, soaked in water overnight
3 cups water
1 tbsp salt
1/2 cup mashed potato
1 tbsp soy sauce
1 tbsp Worcestershire sauce
1 tbsp onion, chopped
2 tbsp carrots, chopped
2 tbsp celery, chopped
2 tbsp red bell pepper, chopped
1 tbsp catsup
1/2 tsp black pepper, ground
2 tbsp corn oil
1 can tuna (big)
3/4 cup bread crumbs
1 large egg
1/4 cup margarine
Boil beans in water and salt until soft. Drain and mash the beans. Add the mashed potatoes, soy sauce, onions, carrots, celery, bell pepper, catsup and ground pepper. Mix thoroughly. Add corn oil, tuna (or shrimp), bread crumbs and egg. Form 1/4 cup of mixture into patty.
Grease a baking tray with margarine and arrange bean patties. Bake in preheated oven at 350F for 15 minutes or until golden brown. Serve in hamburger buns with mayonnaise, lettuce or cucumber, sliced tomatoes and catcsup or mushroom sauce.
** The tuna mixture can also be made into meatballs or burger steak poured with your favorite gravy or mushroom sauce.

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